Facts trump opinion. Facts trump desire. We might think the sun will rise in the West. We might want the sin to rise in the West. But fact is the sun will rise in the East. Fact is that at current rates, every three months the number of people entering the U.S. is greater than the whole of the U.S. military. Fact is the heavily armed drug cartels profit from open borders. If the border were closed, it seems likely we would see the rapid growth of an armed force at the U.S. southern border. Although it feels good to take comfort in American exceptionalism, simple math says there would be a breaking point followed by an overwhelming armed invasion. So what is there to do?
Under president Biden’s administration, the plan seems to be to ease the new comers into U.S. society. You have seen claims immigrants are being flown, bussed, and otherwise distributed across the United States. The distribution alone helps to distribute the burden on these United States. But there is another reason for these federal services. Reportedly, New York pays up to $500.00 per night to house immigrants in hotels. In immigrants could stay with kith and kin, the U.S. tax payer would be less burdened. Unaccompanied children could be reunited with family members.
Texas governor Greg Abbott has a different opinion. He is happy to deport immigrants, thus growing the army at the U.S. border. Perhaps governor Abbott sincerely wants to protect his state. Maybe he can not do the simple math. Maybe the governor’s decisions are a bit more sinister. Let’s look at his conduct to understand his motivation.
Governor Abbott has ordered miles of barbed wire on the Texas border. President Biden has ordered miles of new walls. On the surface, it seems the president and governor agree on closing the border between Texas and Mexico. But where those walls and barbed wire tell a different story. Governor Abbott is using barbed wire to funnel immigrants to Texas authorities. President Biden is using walls to funnel immigrants to federal authorities. In fact, Texas law enforcement and military have essentially taken up arms against federal authorities to prevent federal authorities from removing immigrants from Texas.
Governor Abbott’s barbed wire funnels immigrants into an area known by the same name as the city Eagle Pass. There, Texas law enforcement and National Guard prevent federal authorities from gathering and processing immigrants. If governor Abbott’s intention were simply to protect Texas from immigrants, he would allow federal authorities to remove them from Texas. If governor Abbott were chiefly concerned about the cost of addressing immigration challenges, he would allow federal authorities to address and thus pay for meeting the challenges of immigration. Instead, the governor has decided to weaponize immigration for political gain. The result is that tax payers pay for governor Abbott’s political aspirations.

It is obvious the governor’s focus is not where it should be. A governor is elected to serve his or her own state. Governor Abbott was elected to serve the state of Texas. He was not elected to further his party line or personal political aspirations. The federal government is ready to accept the expense. Instead, the TX governor has weaponized immigrants at the expense of Texas citizens and to the detriment of the United States as a whole. The republican governor is intentionally targeting democratic led cities because he can not overwhelm entire states. Texas tax payers are paying for it.
This is the problem with poli-tricks and the point of this post.
No matter how you feel about the big picture (the U.S.), governor Abbott was not elected to represent the United States. He was elected to represent the state of Texas. Claiming to be protecting Texas os a facade for his political agenda beyond Texas. He should not be using Texas money on either personal or party aspirations beyond Texas.
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