I might be the only full time double amputee knife maker in the U.S.
If not, them it is a very small club.
During July of 2006, I literally lost part of my career, income, and mind. The medical term was moderate traumatic brain injury. I was treated with Alzheimer’s medication. I later lost both legs due to petitionary damage. They came off bit by bit, toe by toe. In all, I guestimate I was completely anesthetized some 20 timed over a five year period. That too is none too good for the brain. As you can imagine, I am not exactly a qualified pundit. If not for the lack of legs, I would take a clue from Mel Brooks and become a stand up philosopher. So what is a guy to do?
This website is where I ramble on about our world and my odd place in that world. This website is complimented by two additional sites. Bad Attitude Blades documents my growth as a knife maker. Sexy Viking Jewelry documents my growth as a jewelry maker.
Latest Projects
- Key Chain – Black WalnutWhile living in VA transitional housing, I found a cache of black walnut shells. They were under a tree close to a food pantry in the same complex. I remembered where that tree was. After about 7 months of communal living, my caseworker found a wheelchair-accessible apartment. Lucky thing too because ...